09/02/2025 3:01 PM

Insurance Quotes

Business Tips

Creative Branding Solutions – So Why Do I Need a Logo?

When I think of successful logos I think of the following list of companies. Ahhh, I said logos make me think of companies, not the opposite! That is the secret to why you need a logo as part of your creative branding solutions! To illustrate that point, here are some examples. Let’s play Name That Logo:

1. I say Mickey Mouse…You think Disney.

2. I say Swoosh…You think Nike.

I could go on and on but you get the point I’m sure. Logo’s are an important piece to any creative branding solution. Keep in mind also that a logo does not have to be directly related to the actual business product or service. A local example in my area is a real estate developer who uses an anchor as his company logo. There is a subtle relationship with anchors and homes in that a home is an anchor to family life, security and our basic need for shelter…but…would you really think to use an anchor as a real estate development company logo? This company has and has been successful in incorporating it into a creative branding solution…it’s unique!

What else do you need in a logo? Well, you need to think about colors, there’s a whole psychology behind colors and the use of colors. Did you know that red cars are the most expensive to insure…true story! Red draws attention and red cars draw attention and subsequently cause more distractions which translates to more accidents meaning red car owners of the world pay higher insurance premiums because people smash into them more often then any other color car….bummer for them.

Question: How many real estate for sale signs do you see that are all red, partially red or a derivative of red (maroon, crimson, etc)? Many! Red draws your eyes to the sign and ideally the house. So you need to consider colors in your logo branding.

You see, it takes a little more than just doing a clip art search on the web to come up with a logo. It’s a big part of your branding solution and it’s something I suggest you do with a team of people so you maximize the benefits of a great logo. Most importantly, be creative and allow a team of people to help you with your logo design.

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